“I-PASS users will have multiple options to obtain additional transponders through their existing I-PASS account, which will allow them to obtain new transponders with only a refundable $10 deposit per transponder,” Rozek said, according to the Daily Herald. Illinois Tollway spokesman Dan Rozek estimates about 40 percent of I-PASS users have fewer transponders than registered vehicles.

Tollway officials also claim the reform will yield administrative savings, as the current system is time-consuming for employees. Things You Should Know None of the Illinois tollways are manned, so don’t worry.
Illinois tollway ipass states how to#
In this article, we’ll explain how to pay and break down the nuances and mysteries of the Illinois tollway and Chicago Skyway. It is estimated the move will increase the tollway’s revenue by $15 million, according to the Daily Herald. We’ve got you covered and you’ve done nothing wrong by driving through. After five tolls on an I-PASS user’s vehicle without a transponder in one month, the discounted rates will be temporarily suspended, and that I-PASS holder will have to pay cash rates for tolls – twice the price of the I-PASS rates – for the rest of the month. 1 and will hit frequent tollway users the hardest. Residents with multiple cars but only one transponder should beware. But that bit of leniency is effectively gone, thanks to the Illinois Tollway’s new policy, according to television station KWQC.
Illinois tollway ipass states drivers#
Previously, the Illinois Tollway would charge the discounted toll rate to drivers who had an I-PASS account but didn’t have a transponder in their car when tolled. Illinois motorists using I-PASS will see their tolls double if they don’t have their transponders in their vehicles. The Illinois Tollway is cracking down on I-PASS users who don’t have their transponders in their vehicles. The addition of the ETL would also increase the capacity of the overall roadway.Forget your I-PASS? Prepare to see tolls double The addition of the ETL within the existing median will provide options to adapt to frequently changing traffic conditions across all lanes and provide a sustainable transportation solution. The existing travel lanes along I-55 will remain free, but the new lanes are proposed to be managed as express toll lanes (ETL) with dynamic pricing to provide travel choices within the corridor. The study evaluated multiple alternatives for this corridor and Express Toll Lanes (ETL) showed the best improvement for traffic flow and congestion relief. A previous Phase I study was completed in November 2016 for one managed lane in each direction. Environmental approval was received by the Federal Highway Administration in December 2018. These improvements will address the projected congestion through 2050. The improvement consists of the addition of one lane along I-55 in each direction between I-355 and east of Interstate 294 (I-294) and two lanes in each direction from east of I-294 to I-90/94, the most congested portion of the I-55 corridor. The Illinois Department of Transportation (Department) completed preliminary engineering and environmental studies (Phase I) for the improvement of I-55 from Interstate 355 (I-355) to Interstate 90/94 (I-90/94).